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event #3: ucla birthplace of the internet

 For my third event I went to the Leonard Kleinrock Internet heritage site on campus at UCLA in Boelter Hall. Here I learned about the birth place of the internet which was created in 1969. On October 29, 1969 graduate student Charley Klein sat in this room and typed the first message on the ARPANET, later to be known as the internet. The ARPANET had its biggest breakthrough when it could network all different types of hardwares and softwares. It wasn't until recently that room 3420 in Boelter hall was a museum. No one was really sure exactly what lab it had been formed in until a grad student made it his mission to figure it out. He the received the deans blessing and created a museum recreating what the space looked like back in the 1960's. I think that this museum relates to the class and the section we learned on robotics and art. The creation of the internet was a milestone in terms of technological advancements and here at UCLA you can see where it took place. Althou
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